Monthly Membership Blueprint

Create massive passive income from your site! Simple method reveals how you
can get members paying month after month by starting a membership site. Click here for details.

Resources for Running a Membership Website

You need resources for running a membership website. Heck, Charlie Brown, you need resources to design and get your website up off the ground. You also need resources for marketing your website once you are stable. Unless you are realistically thinking about running a membership website, then take a hike down casino lane and try to win at the WSOP jackpot tables. This is real business.  Membership websites are something that needs special consideration. Since, you are dealing with the communities; you want to make sure that you cover all grounds before you take on the roll of running a membership website. The goal of running a membership website is to build a community of stable users. In order to create stable users, you have to give them something they want.

What do they want?
Users want to see easy-to-navigate web pages. Rather than spending and wasting time goofing around on a website, the users like to breeze through the pages to find what they want. They want top quality, web content, relevant links, G.R.E.A.T, customer service, and some fun to boot. Users in generally want a website that is fashionably designed and unique as they are. They also like to subscribe to websites that offer them great rates. Users often think low investment -- in their one-of-a-kind private membership with a solid one-year subscription.

Users, when they subscribe, want to see fresh web content, newsletters, e-mails, and each of these items should target their specific needs. If you fail to give your users what they want…do not tell your fellow web partner who just took all of your money, to hit the road. Own up to your mistakes. Creating a sound membership website is an admirable opening to earn steady streams of passive income. Therefore, when you start writing web content, choose the interesting topics and then running a membership website is darn near to a guaranteed success. You will also need to apply mailing lists, blogs, membership boards, and other good quality tools for your members to use. Forms should be added as well so that your customers can notify you and cuss you out when you fail to do your job.

What is the best start for writing web content? What is that I have to do first?
The first sentence or question …Good…But if you go talkin’ like some street game that failed to take off in their hood, you are in a heap of trouble. If you do not have basic writing skills, take some membership courses online. If you are lazy and hate school, then hitch a ride on the Internet to find some excellent content writers prepared to lend you the hand you will need to keep your customers happy and content. In the meantime, take some tips from us. Look below to learn some helpful tips for writing web content.

Now, I am by far not the greatest writer and SEO master in the world, but I am near the top of the list. I have been in the writing industry long enough to say “Take this job and shove it.” Oh, long enough to say that you need some basic skills - brainstorming, outlines, spelling, grammar, ability to rewrite articles, write from scratch, research, and all that other good stuff that comes to mind. Did I mention SEO – Search Engine Optimizing? Darn TOOTINS’. We cannot leave out web page marketing, since you will need to stand on the basic SEO ground. SEO is defined as a search engine optimization -solution that Internet bunnies use to reach the top ranks with Google and other major search engines online.

SEO writing involves focusing on keyword density. It is the process of CONCENTRATING on topics, titles, and subjects relevant to your web service or products. Link exchange and link building is another part of SEO marketing. Linking to other websites require that you find relevant and quality links. Like links, articles must have relevant, quality information with keywords and phrases. This is important for your customers since they spend less time searching for products or services that link them to you. You want to choose keywords that drive traffic to your membership website. This means you want to optimize your web pages by keeping fresh, relevant, and quality content online.

In conclusion, this is enough on resources for running a membership website for now, but you will need to visit the Web and probe into some more helpful resources to get the ball bouncing! In other words, I am done shootin’ the…


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Membership Sites Produce More Money

Membership sites are very profitable and are becoming hugely successful, but many people still do not fully understand them nor understand how money is made from them. The reason is because most membership sites promote, or sell intangible items, meaning information of one kind or another. In fact, most business studies show that the marketing of intangible items can be much more profitable than that of tangible items. After all you don’t carry inventory, you don’t have to buy supplies, etc. What you are promoting or selling is knowledge and that is where the money lies.

Think about this for a second. Think about different high profile companies and which ones are more successful. If we only compare Google (intangible) with Microsoft (tangible), you might truly be surprised at what you come up with.  In fact it is said that Google has bested Microsoft in both profits and in Internet web users, at least that is according to what Marissa Mayer of Googles consumer products says.

Although it is true that the Web is considered a global market place with millions of products that are bought and sold everyday, it is more than that. People look to the internet to access information and they want quality information.

Information is what provides revenue on the Internet and it is the most stable way of earning money there. This is where membership sites come in and where owning a membership site can be profitable.

What specifically are Membership Sites?
Membership sites focus on a specific group of people or niche, and offer important information that these people want, need and in some cases are willing to pay for.

The best way to find this niche is to start researching what people are looking for and how you can help solve and give them information on a particular topic. The best place to start is by doing keyword searches and finding out what exactly people are looking for.

Why do people prefer Membership Sites?
Membership sites are both beneficial to the owner and to the members. Obviously because it produces money for the owner in one way or another, but for the consumer it offers an easy way to access information that they need without having to spend hours on the internet looking for  something in particular. Membership sites offer specifics and data that has been evaluated and scrutinized for its members.

Types of Membership Sites
There are two types of membership sites, those that are a paid membership and those that are free, and both produce revenue in different ways, the first because there is a residual income from membership fees and the second because the owner makes money through affiliate marketing.

Both paid and free membership sites can produce money in a variety of ways, but paid memberships have a limited number of members and free sites have an unlimited number of members.

How do Membership Sites Make Their Money?
Both paid and free membership sites offer quality content for their viewers and soon a relationship evolves between the owner and viewer. This relationship builds trust which is what every internet marketer wants. When your reader begins to see you as the expert in your field, he is more willing to buy other products from you.

This is when you can begin affiliate marketing programs, which is where you offer products from other companies that relate to your site and in return get commissions. There are other ways you can take advantage of your membership site as well. You can market ebooks, audio files, movie clips, etc. in the field that relates to your site.

Membership sites are the biggest growing trend on the internet today, and are a great way for you to begin your home business, and produce revenue from the Internet. Used in the right way there is an unending list of ways to make a profit from a membership site, and membership sites take on all forms from dog lover sites, to teacher information related sites.


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Membership Sites are a Non Traditional Way of Marketing

Have you ever thought of starting a membership site? Do you know what a membership site is? Membership sites target a certain market of people that either look for certain products or certain information. So if lets say you collect coins and you start a membership site with information that only pertains to coin collectors, and people can only access the information on your site by joining and becoming a member. On top of that the information you have on your site is not readily available for free on the Internet or it is difficult to find on the Internet, then this is a viable membership site.

Why are People Interested in Membership Sites?
You offer something a certain group of people want or need, Lets take as an example the coin collector again; on your site you can offer information on different coins, or a newsletter about coin collecting, this creates a rapport between you and your readers. They see you as the authority and go to your site to look information up because it is a lot more convenient than having to look in many different sites, and never come up with the information they want. As an Internet marketer, you can take advantage of this rapport and create a money-making industry for yourself.

Think about it, you have your members confidence and you can sell them products, eBooks, information or sell ad space to other marketers, use affiliate marketing and sell products that relate to your site, you can even charge a fee for your membership, or a higher version of your site, giving the reader even more needed information.

How Much Can you make from a Membership Site?
Lets imagine you charge a membership fee of $9.00 for a three month membership, and lets say you get one new member a day for three months, you should have 100 members, if those members renew that means you get $900 a month, plus more as you grow. Now imagine if you had three other sites that did the same thing. You would make over $3000 a month, every month.

What Types of Sites Make great Membership Sites?
Most sites on the Internet are selling something. They sell real estate, vitamins, entertainment, physical products, but it is usually something that they are selling, so look for a product that is non marketing, and something that is not that common and that is where your opportunity lies. There are all kinds of membership sites, sites that have to do with hobbies, fitness, dieting, etc, etc.

Membership sites appeal to every target market out there. There are millions of people with millions of interests and they are looking for sites that fill their needs. Sure there are people that want to share videos or music, but there are also people that want to share craft ideas, or child rearing techniques or want to know about places to go on vacation and membership sites can be created for all of these interests. Its just a matter of finding the right niche.

How to Find the Right Niche?
Ok, this is the hardest part in creating a membership site. It requires some creativity, some knowledge and a lot of research, and we are not just talking about sitting for an hour and doing a quick, search on the Internet. We are talking some heavy duty thinking about your interests and the ability of others that are interested in the same things to find the right information on the Internet.

Once you have thought about a couple of options, then you can start keyword searches to find out how many other people are interested in the area you have thought about, and keep looking until you hit on the right market. Your market should be found first, before you even start looking for your project.

Let’s recap! We all know that the Internet can potentially produce money. We have heard it everywhere, in the news, on TV, on the Internet.  The problem is how do we go about tapping into this great resource? One of the answers to that question is by running a membership site, which will either produce revenue from membership cost or through affiliate marketing or product marketing. As our membership grows, so will our revenue.

Membership sites are not as popular as regular marketing sites, so there is a lot of room to grow in the industry.

In essence, membership sites have very few if any drawbacks and a whole lot of advantages.


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Creating a Revenue Generating Membership Site

If you’re interested in creating an income online, then chances are you’ve been doing a little research and you’ve heard that the new type of website that is producing money and growing in popularity is the membership site. This type of site is one of the best ways to make money online.

It is a website like other sites but differs in that you specialize in a certain topic and have quality information regarding that particular topic and will let readers have access to that topic for a certain membership fee or in some cases just for signing up and letting you send them information to their email.

These people pay you a recurring fee either on a monthly, bi monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly basis. If you continue to add valuable information to the site these people will remain members to your site thereby creating passive and recurring revenue for you. These same people may even promote your site and cause others to join as well.

What Kind of Information Works on a Membership Site?
Whether you know it or not you are a specialist in some field, and when you have a wealth of knowledge in a certain area, you usually just tell your friends and maybe your family so they can “ooohh and aaaaaaaaahh” at your accomplishments (this usually happens about once a year at Christmas time), or you can turn that knowledge into revenue. So if you are an expert in Baking Chocolate chip cookies, chauffeuring the kids around town, or even reading novels, you can make money with that knowledge by creating a membership site that caters to people that  are looking for an expert in the field.

The problem is that when you start a website in your field of expertise and don’t really understand the basics of internet marketing then you are setting yourself up for failure and you might as well not have even started in the first place. That’s why it is important to do your research and learn about internet marketing before embarking on your membership site.

The first thing you should do is find out everything you can about starting a membership site. Read about other successful membership sites and what they did to make their site a success.

After all you are already an expert in the area you are targeting and that is the most important part, but most people forget the second part to being a successful membership site owner, and that is to become an expert in the field and learn how to market yourself online. For example, did you know you can offer your members free eBooks they can download, or a free newsletter. Actually they are not really free because the member is paying his fee, plus you can market other affiliate products on the site or through the newsletter and companies will pay you a commission for selling their products.

Why are Membership Sites Hot?
Imagine if you charge $10 per month for each new member and you add 30 new members a month, that’s one new member a day. This means you earn $300 the first month and $600 the second month and $900 the third month and your revenue just keeps increasing. Now imagine if you had two more membership sites?

You get the idea! This is why membership sites are so hot among Internet marketers. Plus you can add more profit on top by adding affiliate marketing products, etc, etc.

Consumers Love Membership Sites
Not only are membership sites hot with Internet marketers but consumers like them as well. They get all the information they need on a particular topic without having to do endless searches on the Internet. It is much more convenient and easier for them.

All in all membership sites are a win – win situation for everyone. You get the sales you need, the passive income you need and the member gets the information he or she knows.


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Membership Websites in Full Swing!

Membership websites seem to be in full swing. They have become very popular and seem to be well liked by members. There are actually many reasons why you should consider starting a membership site, especially if you are an entrepreneur and love the experience of making your income online. First it produces a residual income, secondly it targets a specific market, and thirdly you are selling information or products in which you are the expert.

The most obvious advantage is that membership websites tend to produce a steady income. There is nothing better than a site that charges a subscription fee and makes a steady income from repeat clients or members.  The membership fees are usually set up for a specified amount of time and that could be monthly, quarterly or even yearly.

What do You Sell in a Membership Site?
Basically there are all kinds of membership sites. There are membership sites that sell products like music, movies, programs, information, etc.  There are membership sites that are network sites, or places to meet people, but the most productive membership sites are those that are selling online content. These password-protected websites are becoming the new “in” thing.
People are Willing to Pay for Information
In fact, studies made by the “Online Publishers Association” show that online content is the new way to make money, along with matchmaking, personals and entertainment.

It has been found that even small marketing areas are growing because of such membership sites. Businesses like coaching, dieting and international living are making a profit by marketing themselves through membership sites. It is estimated that Internet users spend upwards of $800 million a year on membership sites.

Membership Fees
Membership fees will vary depending on the site, what they sell, and what they want to charge. Some can be as little as $15 every couple of months. Others charges as much as $20 a month, and others may even charge as much as $200 a month.  It really depends on the industry and what the customer receives for their money.

Subscription Renewals
It is a known fact that once a member has signed up he will generally continue to be a member. Most sites hold above a 70% renewal rate, which means that the owner receives a residual income over a long period of time.

Growth Rate of Membership Sites
Over the last few years’ membership rates have more than quadrupled, and that is close to a 600% growth rate per year.  We are talking about a huge growth rate and this is for any site in any country.

How to Start a Membership Site?
There are a few things you should pay attention to when you start a subscription based membership site.   First you need to seriously analyze your target market and you need to find a market that is really passionate about the product they are looking for.

Finding what people are looking for can be a little tricky, but you can start by conducting a keyword search. This will give you the words that are most looked for online. By doing a keyword search you will also be able to tell if there is really a big enough market for the product you are thinking of marketing to.

Your product needs to be unique and there should be little or no information on your product on the Internet for free.  That way you can focus on really searching online and off for quality information related to that product. This information or product may be as simple as “specialized expert opinions” on a certain topic.

Finding Your Subscribers
If you have done your research correctly and found the market you want to target for finding your traffic and subscribers, then this is not going to be that difficult. The best way to market your site is through affiliate programs, online newsletters, pay per click advertising, and once you have all these other marketing techniques in place, you will create viral marketing (marketing from other members or sites).

In reviewing everything related to membership site ownership we can say that it is a growing industry, with residual income potential and the potential to earn well, if you target the right market and you do your homework prior to setting it up.


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Age-Old Question: Is MLM a Viable Membership Model?

If you think you want to get involved with MLM, do your research first.  The challenge with MLM businesses is that people at the top are most often the winners. The biggest majority of people at the bottom end up spending money and time to get involved and end up losing whatever they put in. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing and distribution structure. People at the top sell to those below them, who in turn sell to those below them. The higher up you are in this structure, the more money you can make. Be sure to check with at least a few other people who've entered at your level (who you identify on your own, separate from people the MLM promoter refers you to), and see what they have to say. Find out what they have to say on how - and if it’s possible - to be successful.

There are advantages to Multi-level marketing. First, the start up cost is usually very low and that is a big plus to the work-at-home mom (for example) who has limited funds to launch an online business. It is a way to get started in an online business with a very small personal investment and that is a very appealing thing for many people. Pre-packaged tools and products are provided and that saves a lot of money and relieves the need for warehousing.

Also, sales techniques are given and for the newbie to Internet marketing this is a very attractive advantage.

There are also disadvantages to Multi-level marketing. Many (if not most) people lose money in MLM activities, because they can’t sell the product as effectively as they thought they could. And then there is the problem of credibility. It can become an issue, especially if you start treating friends like they’re customers.


Discover How To Create Your Own Awesome Membership Sites That Bring in Massive Passive Recurring Income On Autopilot! Click here to learn how.


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Is Starting a Membership Site for You?

The Internet is the ultimate 'equal opportunity employer'. Anybody can start a membership business on the Internet. All that is needed is a subject, a website and the tools to build the site. You can start a membership website business but the question is should you?

Many people that decide to start a home based membership website business are destined to fail because their motivation and expectations are completely unrealistic. Before you attempt to start a membership website business you need to do a reality check.

First, if you really think that you can build a couple of web pages, invest little or no money, time or effort and start making an income tomorrow, you are so wrong. Building a business…any business…takes time. It also takes a monetary investment, a lot of effort and energy, and, above all else, patience, passion for the theme of the website, and a drive for success.

Almost equally important is the need to have realistic economic expectations when undertaking a home based membership website business. A home membership website internet business provides many rewards such as working in the comfort of your own home, avoiding a stressful commute, being your own boss, setting your own hours, no dress code, etc., etc., but anyone that is also expecting instant riches is sadly mistaken.

Study the opportunities of a membership website business carefully. If you have the personal traits required to succeed then select the theme that seems to fit your own particular interests or talents. What is a good choice for one person may be a very poor fit for someone else. The common thread that applies to everyone is that you must passionately believe in what you are doing and anything less than total commitment isn’t enough.


Discover How To Create Your Own Awesome Membership Sites That Bring in Massive Passive Recurring Income On Autopilot! Click here to learn how.


The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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The Importance of an Affiliate Program to Membership Sites

Affiliate programs are important to membership sites for a number of good reasons. An affiliate program isn't really a program. It's a business arrangement. Affiliate programs are also known as associate programs, associates programs, referral programs and even bounty programs. Most affiliate programs are free to join. Affiliate programs are a way to earn money without producing your own product. 

Affiliate programs allow a membership website to generate additional (other than the membership subscription) income by advertising products that are relevant to the site’s theme. For example, let’s say you own a membership website whose theme is golf. You would recommend products that you like yourself like golf books, magazines, videos and golfing gear. When you have an affiliate agreement with the merchants selling those products, they provide you with affiliate links which you paste into your site. Then when members click on those links and buy those products, you earn a commission. Affiliates programs can earn commissions in three ways: per click, per sale and per lead.

The members on a membership website are helped by the affiliate programs as well. They are given easy access to products that they would otherwise have to search the internet to find.

On the other side of the aisle, you can let other companies post your ad on their sites and pay commissions for sales of your product or memberships. Sure, you may give away 10 percent of your profit to an affiliate; but 90 percent of something is better than 100 percent of nothing. You’ll make up in sales quantity what you may lose in percentage of your own net. It’s quite worthwhile in the long run.

Use your e-zine to advertise your affiliate program. Always encourage your newsletter subscribers to forward the newsletter to a friend.


Discover How To Create Your Own Awesome Membership Sites That Bring in Massive Passive Recurring Income On Autopilot! Click here to learn how.


The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


Set up your own powerful 24-hour membership site empire and stuff it with paying members! Click here to find out how!

Being Professional with Help Desk Systems and Forums

You need to automate everything if you want to be successful in measuring customer satisfaction. Surveying your customers is a great way of measuring customer satisfaction but if they take too much time away from other important work, it will fall by the wayside. Automate both your requests for completing the survey and your collection and reporting of the data. Some help desk management software will do this for you. If yours does not, consider customization that will enable it -- it's worth the investment.

One of the best ways to find out how effective your customers think your help desk or forum is, is to take a survey.... ask the people who actually use the help desk or forum what they think about it. Asking for suggestions to improve your help desk or forum is a good idea. There are many approaches to surveying, but some are more effective than others.

Often times membership websites will send a customer satisfaction survey of their help desk or forum to their entire list. There are several problems with this approach. First not everyone surveyed will have used your help desk's services. This will either make your percentage of responses low or add irrelevant responses to your data. Since you only request this information once in a while, you will be tempted to cram too much information into the survey. Often these surveys lack focus and do not give you a clear picture of performance.

A better approach to help desk or forum customer satisfaction measurement is case-by-case surveying. Each time a case is closed, meaning the problem was resolved and the resolution was already communicated to the requester, a short survey on the case is sent to the requester.

This is great information for continuous improvement and you can review the comments provided by your customers.


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The Main Focus of Your Membership Site

Whatever the theme of your membership website is, it should always be your main focus. Every piece of written content, audio content or video content should be about the main theme of your membership website. Little side trips into very closely related fields is alright but even very closely related subjects should never detract from the main focus of your site.

When you chose the theme for your membership website, you chose it because it was something that you knew a lot about and/or were (and hopefully still are) passionate about.

I saw a sign in a convenience store not long ago that said something like….we strive to always be kind, considerate and helpful. However, it is hard to remember that the main objective is to drain the swamp when you are up to your ears (cleaned up) in alligators. That is true for owners of membership websites. It really is hard to stay focused on your objectives when you have so many things to distract you from doing what you need to do to keep your website focused on the main theme.

No matter how many distractions you have, you must still keep new, fresh, relevant and timely content on your website that pertains to the theme of your site.

Your ezines and newsletters need to be filled with helpful and useful information. Be sure to continually check for new products that would be helpful to your membership. New products come out daily and you don’t want to fall behind. 

You need to make full use of your autoresponder to keep your members informed and to keep them focused on the objective, as well.

Your blog, forum or message board topics can become unfocused and off-topic very easily. They must be monitored daily…maybe even several times each day.


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Tips on Improving Your Membership Site

Improving and improving again your membership website is what will keep it dynamic and making a steady and reliable income. It is a law of nature (and the Internet) that everything either grows or dies. Constant improvement of your membership website will insure it grows and lives.

The content of your membership website needs to always be kept up-to-date with relevant and useful information. Keep your eyes open and all of your feelers out for information that your subscribers will find interesting and helpful. If you have always relied on only print information up to this point, try adding some audio or video. People today prefer to hear or see information rather than just to read information. Setting up audio or video feeds to your website isn’t very difficult and can make a huge difference in the traffic and membership.

Each e-zine or newsletter should be filled with vital and timely information so that your subscribers eagerly await the next issue. Spend as much time and energy as you need to insure that your e-zine or newsletter isn’t just deleted when it hits the in-box.

Use your autoresponder to your greatest advantage. You already use it to send out emails and ezines and newsletters. Now use it to send out vital NEWS FLASHES. Make the autoresponder get the attention of your subscribers.

If you don’t already have a blog, forum or message board on your membership website, then set one up as soon as possible. Members like to have input and you will benefit greatly from constructive member input. You can ask them what they would like to see on the website and then act on suggestions that are viable.

Invite a guest who is a guru in the field of your website theme to participate in an online chat discussion. Set a specific starting and stopping time and be sure to outline the discussion topics.


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The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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The Importance of Offering Regular Publishing Schedules

The people who have paid to join your membership site depend on you to provide relevant and timely information. It is their right to expect that information to be updated on a regular basis because they may be depending upon it to make decisions. When a person joins your membership site they should be told what your publishing schedule will be so that they know when they can expect to get fresh information. Adhering to that announced schedule is vitally important.

Deciding what your publishing schedule will be for your website is important. Keep in mind the kind of information you will be supplying to your membership. Information that changes hourly will require a RSS feed. Information that needs to up-dated on a daily basis will most likely require a content management system. For weekly publishing of content, you can do that yourself but a content management system can make it a lot easier.

When you are planning your newsletter, you need to decide how often your ezine or newsletter will be sent out to your subscribers. Basically, you need to create a schedule and stick with it. But how often should you publish? How much is too much and how often is not enough? When it comes to frequency, the usual choices are daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Daily - that means 365 newsletters a year. You could wear out your welcome even with your most devoted members.

Weekly - that is still a lot of work…52 letters a year…a little over 4 a month. Would your members appreciate that much mail from you?

Bi-weekly - Publishing an e-zine twice a month is just often enough to keep you fresh in your subscribers' minds but not so often that they become annoyed with you.

Monthly - doesn’t seem often enough. Your members may forget about you and where your website lives on the Internet.


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Beware of Affiliate Spamming!

The modern variation of the practice of paying finder's-fees for the introduction of new clients to a business is a popular method of promoting Internet businesses called affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketer is paid for every visitor, subscriber, or customer provided to an Internet business because of his efforts. The affiliate marketer earns compensation based on a certain value for each visit (Pay per click), registrant (Pay per lead), or a commission for each customer or sale (Pay per Sale), or any combination.

You can see where an affiliate marketer would be sorely tempted to send out email advertising the products he makes money on for promoting. This resulted in so much SPAM being generated that anti-spam laws were enacted. Spammers are severely fined and the newest twist in the anti-spam laws are that the merchants whose affiliates spam are being held responsible for the spamming as well. So caution is well advised to merchants.

Merchants who are considering adding an affiliate strategy to their online sales channel should research the different technological solutions available to them. As affiliate marketing has matured many affiliate merchants have refined their terms and conditions to prohibit affiliates from spamming. Some types of affiliate management solutions include: standalone software, hosted services, shopping carts with affiliate features, and third party affiliate networks.

Spamdexing or search engine spamming is the practice of deliberately creating web pages which will be indexed by search engines in order to increase the chance of a website or page being placed close to the beginning of search engine results, or to influence the category to which the page is assigned.

Right now there is a lot of debate about the affiliate practice of Spamdexing and many affiliates have converted from sending email spam to creating large volumes of automatically generated web pages each devoted to different niche keywords as a way of search engine optimizing their sites. This is sometimes referred to as spamming the search engine results. Spam is the biggest threat to organic Search Engines whose goal is to provide quality search results for keywords or phrases entered by their users.

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Starting a Paid Membership Site

Whatever you call them - member only, membership, subscription, or mentor websites, they all have one thing in common. They are bringing in steady and constant cash flow for their owners, month after month, from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The array of the topics of these websites is endless.

Some of these paid membership sites provide mentoring or coaching, others publish useful articles or information in a particular field or product. Still others publish the results of tests and studies or product reviews. Some membership sites provide specialized service or act as a meeting place for people with a common interest and then there are those that provide step-by-step instructions for such things as painting or music.

All these sites have one thing in common: to access the website (or the best information on the site) you have to pay for it! Which begs the question…why would anybody pay for information on the Internet?

The answer is simple. People buy information that they could probably find for themselves if they looked long enough and hard enough, because they want to save time or because they think the information will be better or more specialized or because the information just isn’t available to them unless they pay for it.

Just a few short years ago it was almost unheard of to charge for access to a website and almost no one was doing it. Today, however, it is the norm and not the exception. Actually we have Internet dating sites to thank for this huge money making opportunity.

The Internet dating industry began with free membership sites that were mostly populated by nerds, weirdoes and perverts. It was quickly discovered that ordinary people would gladly pay to have access to lists where the posters had been screened even just a little. Now people actually expect to pay for access to valuable information.


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Starting a Free Membership Site

Basically, a free membership site is a site where the user is not charged a membership fee to use the site but is required to supply their e-mail address, choose a user name and password to enter the site, participate in the discussions and activities. Sometimes free memberships are limited to less useful information or access while paid memberships have full access.

A large entity like MSN, for example, allows members to access most things on their sites without the need for any sign in procedure at all but, in order to join a group, you must supply your email address, choose a user name and a password. The use of the site is still free. However, to use MSN as your ISP or to gain enhanced email resources you will be required to pay for it.

In the same way, an individual might start a free membership website. There would be no charge at all to access the site. To gain access to limited information would require supplying an email address, choosing a user name and a password. To gain full access to the site would most likely require payment if the information they are providing merits a fee. Some sites never charge a membership fee and rely solely on selling their own product or promoting products produced by others as a source of income.

Free membership sites very rarely, if ever, supply information that you couldn’t easily acquire on the Internet yourself. An individual who sets up a free membership site doesn’t do it for free so they will be planning to make an income in some way. Usually free membership sites are for the purpose of selling a product or service. Some information will be provided but supplying information is not the main objective.


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The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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Suggested Membership Site Themes

When you are deciding on the theme for your membership site, it is best if you can choose a theme that concerns something you are really interested in…even passionate about. Remember that you will be spending a lot of time keeping your membership informed, keeping your website interesting and keeping relevant and timely content on your website and in your ezine that you send out regularly.

If you choose to start a membership site about…say….dogs. Just dogs in general won’t attract many members. You will need to choose a specific breed….and possibly even narrow it down further. Instead of Poodles, your theme should be; Tiny Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, or Standard Poodles, for example. Millions of people are dog lovers and the theme of a specific breed of dog should do well.

If you are really into video or computer games, start a membership site devoted to one specific game… not just video games or computer games in general. People all over the world and from every walk of life get really involved with a specific video or computer game and love to talk to others about the game and give each other hints.

There are thousands…maybe millions…of people who love certain crafts and hobbies. However, those who love to quilt aren’t interested in wood working so your membership site should be about a specific craft or hobby.

Professionals like to talk to other professionals in the same field. Each professional field speaks their own language and find the same things to be interesting, informative or funny. So if you start a membership site for professionals, you should get a good response.

A membership website with the theme, ‘Resell Rights’, should do well, also.  This kind of site will need to be kept updated on a regular basis.


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Deciding on Your Membership Model

The model you decide upon for your membership site is of the utmost importance and the one you choose depends upon your objectives. There are basically two types of membership sites. There are free sites and there are paid for sites. The two types of membership sites have one thing is common. Their memberships are made up of people who share a common need or have a common interest.

You can, of course, buy a domain, set up a website and not charge for memberships but choose who to admit and who not to admit. Or you can just set up a site on an already established network.  Two examples of free membership sites are Group sites on MSN and groups on Yahoo. It costs nothing to set these sites up and there is no charge at all for a person to join.

There are no paid administrators or moderators. Each site sets its own rules for how to join and the code of conduct for the site. The site topics are many and varied. There are many “support” sites for those with health problems or concerns and for those who have suffered the loss of loved ones. There are sites for those who are passionate about crafts like quilting or wood working. There are sites for those who love to travel. There are sites for different age groups from teens to seniors. The sites include chat software and a limited amount of space for posting pictures, documents and links per member.  The free sites do not have such things as access to specialized data or lists. They don’t give access to such things as music lessons. 

Paid for membership sites are set up by businesses or individuals with the objective of making money by supplying hard to find information, access to specialized data or lists, or instruction in various fields. Membership sites are owned and operated by people who either own the sites or who are hired by the site owners to monitor and administer them. The topics for paid for membership sites are even more varied than the free sites and certainly more specialized.


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The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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The Different Types of Membership Sites

There are basically two types of membership sites. There are free sites and there are paid for sites. The two types of membership sites have one thing is common. Their memberships are made up of people who share a common interest or have a common need.

You can, of course, buy a domain, set up a website and not charge for memberships but choose who to admit and who not to admit. This is done when the profit is intended to come from sales to members after they join the site. There are free network sites that might be used for your purposes.  Two examples of free membership sites are Group sites on MSN and groups on Yahoo. It costs nothing to set these sites up and there is no charge at all for a person to join. There are no paid administrators or moderators.

Each site sets its own rules for how to join and the code of conduct for the site. The site topics are many and varied. There are many “support” sites for those with health problems or concerns and for those who have suffered the loss of loved ones. There are sites for those who are passionate about crafts like quilting or woodworking. There are sites for those who love to travel. There are sites for different age groups from teens to seniors. The sites include chat software and a limited amount of space for posting pictures, documents and links per member.  The free sites do not have such things as access to specialized data or lists. They don’t give access to such things as music lessons. 

Paid for membership sites are set up by businesses or individuals with the objective of making money by supplying hard to find information, access to specialized data or lists, or instruction in various fields. Membership sites are owned and operated by people who either own the sites or who are hired by the site owners to monitor and administer them. The topics for paid for membership sites are even more varied than the free sites and certainly more specialized.


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The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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Why Start a Membership Site?

People are willing to pay for online content. In fact, the "Online Publishers Association" said that pay-for content is emerging as a hot revenue model. Business content, personals/match making, and entertainment are the hottest niches. But even smaller niches, like DVD authoring, sports coaching, marketing services, and dieting are producing profits.

You can sell subscriptions for online content with your own membership site? Selling online content by way of a password protected website has become big business. Not only is it fast to set up, but the start-up and running costs are minimal. Work from home entrepreneurs and big businesses alike are tapping into this new-found revenue source.

Less than nine percent of online users currently pay for online content. This means the market is wide open for the savvy entrepreneur. Paying for content in 2004 was more than 5 times what it was in 2005. That’s a whopping 500% growth! Those who capture the market first in their niche will have the obvious advantage and it’s an international market, so anyone can play.

One of the great things about starting a membership site is you can take your hobby, specialized knowledge or profession and turn it into a profitable business. Your challenge will be finding exclusive content. You can start it part time but it will likely develop into a full time business.

Planning for and setting your site up for auto-responders, automated sign-ups, credit card processing, automated cancellations, etc is all part of a successful membership website. Starting and running a membership site can be a lot of fun and very exciting, however you need to know what’s involved in setting one up, and then managing it effectively.

This whole process can seem a bit daunting. However, as complex as this seems, many companies offer a low cost, easy-to-use software solution. This makes it possible for almost anyone to start and market a membership site at a very low cost.


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The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


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Membership Sites Today

The topics for successful member only websites are as varied today as... short people, tall people, buying websites, unusual business ideas, selling stocks, paint ball, 2nd wives clubs, financial, dating, fitness, marketing and countless mentoring and coaching sites on almost every topic imaginable and probably a few you can’t imagine or wouldn’t want to imagine.

It takes some work and certainly the right tools to set up a members-only website but the rewards (monetary as well as personal satisfaction) can be huge.  Whatever you are passionately interested in or very adept at can be the topic of a members-only website today.

One of the first types of membership sites on the Internet was the online dating site. In the beginning, they were mostly populated with nerds, weirdos and perverts but as the Internet matured the sites became popular among people from all walks of life. They have even progressed so far as to offer pre-screening of members. Most porn sites are membership only sites.

There are membership sites today that cover just about every area of human interests. Some offer informational or teaching material that is only able to be accessed by site members. Some membership sites are able to be viewed by non members but non-members are not allowed to participate in the activities or post to the message boards on the site.  Sites that provide information to find work-at-home jobs, for example, can see the listing of jobs but cannot apply for the jobs unless they are members of the membership site.

There are membership sites that provide instruction in such things as how to play a guitar. The lessons are accessible only to members of the site, although those who are not members can view what subjects are being taught in the lessons.

Membership sites usually accept payment for membership fees by credit card or by personal cheque.


Discover How To Create Your Own Awesome Membership Sites That Bring in Massive Passive Recurring Income On Autopilot! Click here to learn how.


The easiest way to get monthly recurring income without a lot of work struggling to come up with original content, without buying high-priced scripts and without waiting around for results. Click here to learn how.


Set up your own powerful 24-hour membership site empire and stuff it with paying members! Click here to find out how!